
Daily Archives:

July 4, 2013

Positivity in Life

Smart kid

My eldest kid right now is saving lots of plastic bottles. He said that he wanted to recycle it. At first, my reaction is “What?” After sometime of thinking about it, my eldest kid is right. He can earn few cents from the plastic bottles when I will bring this to the recycling area in any  ...

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Positivity in Life

SAving something

My eldest kid right now is keeping many plastic bottles. He spoke that he desired to reuse it. At the start, my response was “What?” Afterwards of thinking about it, I thought, he was right. He can get few cents from the plastic bottles when I will take these to the recycling area in any stores  ...

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Positivity in Life

MSWord instead

I would prefer to use my MSWord’s spelling and grammar correction with some thesaurus words. I can say that I can write faster compare to using some other software available. I am planning to have a purchase on something but I prefer not to. I hope I will not change my mind about it as I do not  ...

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Fun music

Hayss my tripping right at this minute is still listening to my old favorite FM station. The song that is played is Merry Moo or something. It is like the music of my teenage days. I can remember me dancing in this one while doing something at home. It is fun. I love it!

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